
Splay Tree

Try the splay operation

Minimal bounding circle

Welzl's algorithm

Fair allocation

Distribute items among agents according to their preferences

Fun stuff


Stickman that tries to reach mouse

Railway Hexagons

Railway building game, only AI players

Meta Board Game

Language for board game rules

Testing ground

Collapsing Graph

Graph physics demo

Rooted tree

Tree physics demo

Local coloring

These applets were made for graph algorithm research. They are partially incomplete, broken or are missing explanations.

Grid Coloring

Play adversary against a greedy dynamic grid coloring algorithm. Try forcing it to use up to 5 colors.

Dynamic Graph Coloring

Build a graph to break a dynamic coloring algorithm

Online Graph Coloring

Build a graph to break an online coloring algorithm

Adversarial Coloring

Play coloring against the adversary

Sinkless orientation

Play sinkless orientation

Graph reflection

Demonstration of graph reflection operator for local sinkless orientation